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A.M.E.N. Automatic money earning network. #endpoverty
Send emails to busy websites asking them to incorporate an advertising button on their site and offering them a slice of the profits for orders.

Create a website that the buttons are hyperlinked to for taking orders. Set up a computer/machine to be automatic and self maintaining (with some simple robotics) that orders and loads its consumables then packs and addresses its output and arranges a courier to pick up and deliver the product. It will work 24/7 without wages so whatever it produces will be very competitive in price and should be very easy to market.

Incorporate cameras and sensors linked to a tablet or phone for quality control and unforeseen problems. Use some of the profits to expand the business and maybe employ people to take over quality control and set up more machines and advertising.

Costing just a few thousand dollars and a few months initial work, anyone with a little imagination can do it. It's just an idea but when everyone can be productive and self sufficient, it will take away any need to steal from others. An end to robbery, taxes (if governments make their own), pensions, world hunger, child slavery, wars and terrorism to name a few. (Imagine trying to recruit terrorists when everyone is already rich or knows they can be without taking from others).

Instead of subscription to forces, governments will need to force people to do the work that machines can't do yet but without the need to work for money, we can all live in luxury when we get home. If money is the root of all evil, this idea will give satan the flick. It's a gift of money and time to enjoy it for everyone.

To clarify further...
I agree that many identify with their work. For people who enjoy their job and the company of their workmates, this idea can simply be used as an extra form of income. There is often a feeling of accomplishment associated with the work ethic. Most people don't want to just waste their lives and although a life of leisure might seem attractive at first, it could soon become boring. Also, there are many jobs that machines cannot yet do. The people doing these jobs should be able to share in the wealth by asking for higher wages. People in general will soon be able to pay them more as productivity and wealth increases.

I read that in North Korea they have built a factory full of robots that builds cars. My idea is to do the same thing on a small scale. Buy a small simple machine, eg. a printer, and automate it and virtually anyone can have their own personal money making machine that doesn't involve counterfeit.

If you're not technically adept, pay to have one built. For just a few thousand dollars (or less) and some time spreading advertising buttons on the net linked to an order page, it becomes a numbers game. A percentage of people will buy whatever your machine produces especially as your prices can be very competitive compared to any machine/operator system. You are still being productive so there is no conflict of morals here. It's just that you're using your brains and imagination to do your work.

The machine can be one that makes hair clips, shoelaces or whatever. I suggest something simple. As long as it is safely housed with regard to fire etc. and has sensors for quality control and such, it means the owner can then enjoy their life doing a worthwhile job or following their dreams of becoming a musician, inventor, scientist, artist or whatever. If they prefer, they can have long holidays with their family and/or friends while the work is still being done.

I also agree that this vision needs a change in the human mindset but I believe that will happen as a consequence. As I've said before, there's not much point in stealing from others anymore if a machine can give you all you need. The technology is readily available.

Do a little research into the costs then compare it with the benefits. I think the idea of retirement or working in a choice job is attractive and will change the world. For the better. I want this idea shared by all. I don't like discrimination.

To all the people using guilt to get help from others, I'm explaining how you can stop and look after yourselves. To all the people who want to help others, I'm explaining how you can do just that with little effort. An Automatic Money Earning Network like the one I have described could feed a family or village for years. It also has a nice ring to it :) So be it.

If you don't believe it's an idea worth trying or not possible, well that's your prerogative and opinion and loss. Come up with a better idea. Imagine how your life could change if you did make it work. Believe in yourself. I do.


Printing Companies typically charge (from) 12 cents per page for 1,000 A4 colour letterheads plus postage and using customers artwork.

They charge $12 for 10 which is the minimum number they sell. That works out to be $1.20 per page.

My machine costs approximately 5 cents to print A4 colour documents according to the manual.

If I (or you) we're to charge the same $1.20 per page:-

That's $1.15 profit per page (each 5 seconds). My printer can print 12 colour pages per minute.

That's $13.80 profit per minute.

That's $828 per hour (72 orders) or $19,872 per day (1,728 orders) or $139,104 per week (12,096 orders).

Potentially. Up to. That would require a lot of advertising but I've got the rest of my life to spread enough buttons to make my machine busy.

It has cost me about $1,500 to build my machine (including the printer). It will sit quietly waiting for work costing only a few cents per day.

BTW, if I was to charge half price ($6 for 10) my machine would still earn $414 per hour. I feel sure that I would get some orders at that price.

Maintenance will come out of profits. I could have enough to buy a new printer after about an hour of printing at $12 for 10. Or after around 28 hours at $1 for 10.

It's important to note that I'm not claiming that my printing will equal the quality of professional printers. I'm only sharing an idea. Printing Companies could offer a similar service.

I could also be selling Home Sweet Home posters or Resuscitation Instructions etc.. I don't think $1.20 would be a bad price but I could charge 10 cents per page and still make profit. When you own the machine it's up to you. My advice is to keep it simple and safe.

My idea is for everyone to own a new passive form of income and eventually end poverty. My hope is that it also frees the vulnerable from relying on others so much. Regardless of age, nationality, gender etc. when everyone can afford solar we might fix our planet.

I'm a 69 yr old, colourblind, disabled, aged pensioner. I'm sure most people could do a better job. Kids are designing robots that play soccer.

Paper feeders can be bought if you're not into electronics and have the money.

A productive machine like this could potentially give you more money and more free time. It should also give us all cheaper prices on many goods.

Please check my numbers and claims. My idea isn't without risk.

The accompanying video clip is a prototype that's not quite finished. It's in my interest to improve it. I will take more video when it is finished.

My whole idea is based on the obvious fact that an automatic machine can possibly produce a cheaper product than paying people in 8 hour shifts to operate a machine.

Anyone could have thought of it. The mining companies are already changing over to more automation because it's more efficient.

Ridiculously, you could consider it as the start of your own fairytale except that unlike a golden egg laying goose that dies in the story, yours is a machine that can always be fixed or replaced or improved. You don't even have to sell the gold. Payments can go straight into your bank account via PayPal or whatever. It's your business so you decide.

I've ranted enough. It's up to you now. Please share. Kids are still starving to death. This might help.

Virtually anyone in the world could try this if they have internet access and live near a postbox.

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